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Economincal wireless system. Need guidance

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Hello, I'm looking to build a system on a new (to me) Catalina 30.

The boat has older analog type dept and speed transducers and no onboard GPS. I'd like to integrate the existing sensors (if posiible), add GPS (either using phone or other), add wind data, and make it all available to multiple wireless clients preferably using wifi (bluetooth will work but wifi would be better in my case). My current wifi network on board consists of an Ubiquiti Bullet M2 and a small, single ethernet port, TP Link access point. If I can incorporate those into the same network that would be an even bigger bonus.

I'm wanting to keep things fairly cheap if possible since the boat is old and I'm sailing on an inland lake. I don't need high end MFDs or anything like that. The only displays would be smartphones, tablets, and possibly a computer.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


1 Reply

  • HI,
    On my vessel, a 1963 Rawson Ketch, I wanted to go cheap as well. I use a laptop, longer battery life is better, with OpenCPN as my chart plotter. It's a free download from I use the free NOAA charts from the sources listed in the README of the OpenCPN help file. I use a BU-353 USB GPS (hockey puck/no display) from Amazon for about $35. Note, Windows 8 requires the BU-353-S4 version, chipset updated. I use the Ubiquiti for my wireless network with router and amplifier. I remote display the laptop display to my Ipad and turn off the laptop display to save power, there are several remote display apps for this, read the reviews for latest greatest. I also use a Garmin 78 for my backup unit. I create my routes in OpenCPN, then hookup my Garmin using the supplied USB cable and transfer the .gpx route files to the Garmin. I then disconnect it and put it in the oven (lightning proctection and backup) The Hockey Puck GPS gives my speed on the display, I don't race so paddle wheel is out. And for depth, I use a cheap Hummingbird Fish Finder. I keep the depth separate from the network. I use a handheld windspeed indicator because most of the time I read conditions, then verify with the handheld $100 at West Marine or online and the more I sail, the more I sail by feel and visual cues.
    For wind direction, I use yarn on the stays and also telltales on the sails. I will be working on interfacing more stuff with the signal K interface as I learn more about it.

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