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Ipad suggestions

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Hello All,

I am off to purchase my first ipad for the boat today. I have read pros and cons to wifi only and wifi with cellular. Any thoughts?

Also, seems like the last discussion of preferred apps for the ipad was back in 2010...assuming lots of changes in those three years...thoughts on apps would be welcome too.

I will be cruising Caribbean and South Pacific exclusively.

5 Replies

  • Bluetooth GPS is generally better than the internal GPS you get with cellular iPad. Better yet is getting GPS, depth, wind, etc. from your boat's instrument system. But all the many iPad nav apps work no matter where the GPS is. There are many good apps and preferences vary.

    Panbo has an wireless and app category:

  • I wold buy ONLY wifi + cellular, since that gives you a good GPS receiver too
    WE sometimes put a WIM card in our iPad 1, but usually use our iPhone as a hotspot.
    We have found the Apple GPS receivers to be better than any of the other six we own (including one dedicates large boat device form Raymarine)

  • Just a quick note on Bluetooth GPS, I've been using the Bad Elf GPS receiver with my iPad for 18 months, and I have nothing but good things to say about it. It's far more accurate than wifi/cellular, links to several units and is easily installed.
    On another topic, try the "weather+" app for your iPad. It's quite good at forecasting wind and weather conditions. During our trip to the west coast of Vancouver last summer it was very useful in helping us to find the weather window during some really dicey weather.
    Good luck and enjoy your new iPad

  • Correction. The weather app I mentioned above is 'weathermap+' I guess I don't type so well at 4am. :-)

  • Neil, I'm curious if you're able to see GPS details like satellites seen and calculated accuracy on your iPad? My recollection is that Apple didn't allow app developers to get at this sort of detail if it is indeed available from the interal GPS receiver.

    Also here are my reviews of Dual and Bad Elf iPad GPS receivers:

    The Bad Elf Pro continues to amaze me with its accuracy and ability to get a fast fix even in difficult conditions.