I have an autohelm 5000+ that I would like to interface to my nmea 2000 backbone. I am trying to figure out how to do this. Is it just a matter of cabling or do I need an interface? I was hoping I could just get a seatalk cable and put a modbus/nmea2000 connector on it. Is this the case? If so does anyone know the pinouts?
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Ok so I found the seatalk to seatalkNG converter and gather that I will need this to get the autohelm on my nmea 2000 backbone. If that works will a ST70 autohelm display be able to control the 5000+ autohelm?
So I phoned Raymarine and they claim that I need to use an older ST6002 display combined with my original ST5000+ display. I don't understand why if I keep the ST5000+ display and use the seatalkNG converter that the ST70 autohelm control wont work. Anyone?