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Brian Rodwell

iPad App as Autopilot Control Unit?

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I have been looking but can't find any references to using an iPad with an App that directly controls an autopilot actuator. There is of course lots of references to using an iPad as an interface to a proprietary autopilot control unit. But why not use the iPad as the control unit?

This would automatically give me a wireless remote and hopefully save a lot of money on all the other bits. I would just need to buy the accuator.

Has anyone seen one or know of one that is coming out?

Brian Rodwell

3 Replies

  • If it would make it easier, the computer hardware could be an iPad plus a central computer server like a mini Mac.

  • I doubt you'll ever see this, Brian. Autopilot controls need to be as reliable as possible, which means built for a boat and wired to the AP computer. I can see extending AP controls to an app but not letting the app be the central control head. Wouldn't it feel dumb if you couldn't disengage your AP because your iPad or WiFi system went dead?

  • I actually discussed this with Raymarine last week and they said they would not implement control functions on a WIFI remote device for safety reasons. The example given was your kid getting hold of the iPad down below and changing the vessel heading while playing. They are OK with specialized remotes as I guess you can keep track of them. Makes sense I guess.
