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Configuration and installation FURUNO MFD12, RADAR, DFF1, ANTENNA GPS with HUB-101

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Good evening.

I have to install FURUNO MFD12, RADAR DRS2D, DFF1, ANTENNA GPS with HUB-101.

I have the following doubts:

Since I do the installation?
Configuration of microswitches, DFF1 and HUR-101?
Is it necessary to connect supply of 12V in DFF1 AND RADAR DRS2D?

Navnet 3D I Have the version 2.05 .Da mistake of the card SD on having requested update with SD of 8 GB and 1GB.

A Greeting

Thank you

3 Replies

  • what ?

  • vilarinov:

    I'm not sure I totally understand your questions but will do my best:
    - DFF1 requires no microswitch configuration
    - HUB101 switches should only be set to ON for the port that is connected to the MFD12. Actually since it sounds like you only have one MFD you don't need to do this; the switches are only for power synchronization between MFDs.
    - The DFF1 needs to be connected to a 12V power supply
    - The DRS2D power cable connects to the "DRS" port on the MFD12

    I don't understand your question regarding the Navnet version.


  • Good evening.

    On having connected the MFD12 we press the key MENU and it us appears to the left of the screen a few icons and we position in the icon OURS FILES and the paragraph TO REQUEST UPDATE choose OK and it gives me mistake of the card SD of 1GB and 8GB.

    This serves to update the version of Navnet3D in Internet.

    A Greeting