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inverter rf interference

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Your comments on hf radio inverter generated interference would be most appreciated.

On my 75 tonne steel bucket, I have an 32VDC 2500 Watt sealed Outback which performs flawlessly and silently.

On my Brewer 43 a Magnum 12VDC 2800+/- Watt (their largest) renders all HF communication impossible and will not start a 1/2HP holding plate hermetic fridge compressor (which the Outback starts, via extension cord, without a blink while running other systems as well).

Fortunately Tekris, the Magnum vendor, has offered a 100% refund.

Checking the web on ham radio, boating, and green energy sites I find contradictory and non conclusive (mis)information. The spec sheets tend to be misleading. What earthly good is a surge current rating limited to one millisecond? (Magnum).

My grandfater said that there were three kinds of liars -- liars, damned liars, and seed catalogues. To this I add a fourth category, electronics and computers.

My strong inclination is to try Outback based on my very limited experiences.


1 Reply

  • my thoughts are that pretty much all inverters can and will generate RF and it can often have nothing to do with the inverter. Many variables including the installation of the radio can create RF when an inverter is running. Installation of the inverter can be the culprit and not the inverter. A whole lot more information would be needed.