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e-Plex vs. Maretron N2K comparison

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I'm presently in the middle of a comprehensive refit on a 1971 46' aluminum ocean racer, including full electrical and electronics. I will really appreciate some informed advice from this forum.

Prior to the recent sale of e-Plex, we made a decision to install this backbone and panels for system monitoring, control of interior lighting and electronics and to enable shorthanded sailing by placing optical rockers for key functions at the cockpit helm. All the componenets are still in a box awaiting install so no trouble changing course if that's the right decision.

The ambiguity over e-Plex's future caused me to look at Maretron. It appears that Maretron N2K can do much of what the e-Plex was intended to achieve with the exception of controlling the lighting and powering up/down electronics. It also seems to have a solid reputation and foundation. This week I'm receiving assurances from BASS that e-Plex is in fact on solid ground.

I've made no decision on electronics and instruments yet, although I'm leaning toward N2K, ultrasonics and the usual cruiser/racer level of instrumentation and electronics. I still have to rewire the entire boat anyway.

So my questions are this:

1. assuming product assurances for e-Plex, is there enough benefit to this system to offset the risk of premature obsolecense?
2. does it make more sense to switch to Maretron N2K and its sensor portfolio and live without the niceties delivered by e-Plex?
3. does it make any sense for these systems to co-exist and if so, how?

Thanks in advance, all!

2 Replies

  • Sitzmark: I think Maretron N2KView (and maybe the DSM250, you'd have to check) actually *can* control digital breakers, but Maretron itself doesn't make them. Octoplex's parent company owns 50% of Maretron, and I have heard it said that N2KView can already control Octoplex's electronic circuit breakers, which would give you the same functionality as E-Plex. You'd have to check with Octoplex/Maretron for more details. If you can post back here anything you find out, that would be great!

  • Hi,

    Another great option for you at this time is BEP CZone. I have recently refitted several vessels with this digital switching technology (Developed by Navico - Simrad) and it is great. I would like to discuss this with you further. As I can be of assistance to you in this area.
    The BEP CZone is NMEA2000 based and is rapidly taking hold world wide and is factory fitted by Riviera Launches in Australia, We completed a custom transpac 52 2 months ago also.

    [email protected]