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Ben E

Ombre Rose, a Gossard 36

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Bob Bergoffen sent in another NMEA 2000 design with an interesting twist or two:

"The attached N2B file is the actual N2 K installation aboard my Gozzard 36 Ombre Rose. All components are Maretron except the Simrad Autopilot. All wiring is Maretron micro with a lot of field installable connectors. Most of it was done before they came out with the mid sized cable. I ran the design calculations with the input voltage at 10.5 volts input and there were no voltage problems in the system.
   I have been using the DSM250. I continually update it with it with Maretrons N2K Analyzer. It now includes alarm capability and a very nice anchor watch setup. When i can afford it I will switch out the DSM 200 for another DSM 250 at the Nav. station. I am adding another TLM 100 for my fresh water tank and would like to add either an Alba or Marerton engine monitor for my older Westerbeke diesel engine. Comments would be greatly appreciated."

3 Replies

  • It's interesting that Bob used tees to create Y style two device drops. Its perfectly legitimate N2K cable usage, I think, but it does mean you have to make a cable with two female ends.

    All the field attachable connectors in this install must have been a lot of work. Bob, why didn't you use more made up cables?

  • Looks good! I'm curious where you sourced all your components and how you felt about the pricing or if you had good competition on pricing between multiple retailers.

    Also are you very familiar with the Albatross Controls sensors? How does do their features\pricing compare with Maretron and others?

    OH, there's one guy is going to get on you about putting the bow to the left. ;-)

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Hi Bob remember us? drop us a a line