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"Rex the open white box"

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I have read Panbo since April 2006 when I used all the good info to purchase my AIS receiver for my trip from boston to florida. I never felt the need to join until now. I have been watching this unfold and I gotta tell you its spot on. Check out the documents in TTAMARINE.COM

2 Replies

  • "Rex" is interesting, if a more than a bit mysterious:

  • Ben, thanks for checking out Rex. I am John Tarbox, VP for software at TTA (I am also a partner in

    At TTA our approach is to use open source software along with off the shelf commercial hardware available from multiple vendors. In other words we do not produce either proprietary hardware or software.

    Rex is not a monitor nor a fancy digital display.

    The objective of the "Rex" system is to interface to the widest possible array of systems currently on boats and distill all the data into a presentation for the user which provides the information and analysis in concise summary format.

    As you can see, the website is in its infancy. Over the coming weeks we will be adding extensive amounts of content. I would encourage everyone to check back for updates at

    If anyone has ideas or suggestions, or would simply like additional information, please feel free to email me at [email protected]

    Thank you.