FLIR Ocean Scout TK, a $599 handheld true thermal marine camera!

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Feb 10, 2016

FLIR_Ocean_Scout_TK_aPanbo.JPGNew this morning and shipping soon is the FLIR Ocean Scout TK thermal camera. It looks a lot like the existing and beautifully made Ocean Scout series, except that it is about two-thirds the size and half the weight. What's really small, though, is the $599 retail price, which is almost one quarter what even the bottom-of-the-series OS 240 model costs. Now it's true that the TK will become the lowest resolution Ocean Scout camera with the least range, but there's a lot more to true thermal vision than resolution and range...

FLIR_Ocean_Scout_TK_screen1_aPanbo.JPGThe reason that FLIR can produce a much lower cost Scout camera is the ultra-compact Lepton thermal imager they've been manufacturing in high volume for end products like the FLIR One personal imager, not to mention the nifty AX8 marine thermal monitoring system (which I've seen slickly integrate with Raymarine MFDs and will write up soon). The Lepton's microbolometer (thermal sensor) has a resolution of 160 × 120, while the claimed usable range of the standard Ocean Scouts is directly related to sensor sizes ranging from 240 x 180 to 640 x 512. (See bottom of Specification tab here.) So if the TK had a numbered model name, it would be the OS 160, and potential users should probably adjust their range expectations accordingly.

However, I've also been meaning to write about how much FLIR has improved the effectiveness of the existing Ocean Scout cameras without changing the microbolometer resolution. What you actually see also has a lot to do with video processing, the little display built into the eyepiece, and various optional imaging enhancements. For instance, all the latest OS models use a 640 x 480 LCD viewing display, and that seemed to make the thermal imagery more realistic -- and hence easier to understand -- when I tried it on the water in Baltimore and Fort Lauderdale. And I especially liked the new InstAlert mode, which red highlights the hottest objects in a regular grayscale thermal image.

Well, darned if the low cost Ocean Scout TK doesn't have most of the same features. The main one I notice missing is video output -- especially useful for "poor boater's fixed thermal" -- but that only starts with the $2,999 OS 320. In the TK screenshots above you can see the often useful black-hot/white-hot polarity change feature, and below right is InstAlert in action. (And, by the way, I used "true thermal" in the title because unlike some "night vision" products, you're going to see this imagery in pitch black.) The TK can also take screenshots and even videos, and I'll bet it will be useful for troubleshooting heat-related mechanical and electrical issues (even if FLIR lowballs such use because they also make true thermography devices). Plus, I just don't think that team FLIR has it in their bones to make a low cost product by cheapening the build quality or lowering their customer service standards.

So, yes, I'm bullish on the new Scout TK even sight unseen. But I'll also get to see one in action tonight on Biscayne Bay and will certainly report back in the comments section. And, wow, tomorrow is shaping up to be a doozy in non-thermal recreational marine electronics. I'm hoping to preview two very interesting new products first thing.




That's quite interesting, is that a USB port hiding under the rubber gasket? Presumably that's for charging and file load/unloading. As you note having a "poor man's thermal imager" with real video output would be quite interesting. I've just popped $100 to put a color/BW video bullet cam mounted above my radar on the self leveling mount to see past the mast when heeled over and could easily see putting a bullet form factor thermal next to it.

Posted by: Sheldon Haynie at February 10, 2016 2:26 PM | Reply

Ben, did you get to actually use the TK? How does it compare to the 240? What is the reasonable range for a person in the water or a boat?

Posted by: Drew at February 25, 2016 7:16 PM | Reply

Not as much as I would liked to, Drew, and it was mostly my fault. TK's were available on the FLIR cruise, but I only tried one briefly as I was hoping to see TK and regular Ocean Scout during the Quantum demo. However, they didn't make the boat and I only got a brief look at the dock. The build quality of the TK seemed right up there with the existing OS and you could easily see the results of latest hi res eyepiece display. I did think that TK seemed a bit dim in comparison, but that was in FL mid day sunshine.

I hope to get another look at some point and I think we'll hear from early purchasers. I took a funny photo of three show goers simultaneously trying TK's alongside the Raymarine kiosk they were all tethered to. There was interest!

Posted by: Ben E in reply to Drew at February 25, 2016 7:33 PM | Reply

Hi Ben,
Any update on this device?

Posted by: Matthew Hahn in reply to Ben E at May 1, 2016 7:19 PM | Reply

Yes, I am very interested to get some feedback about the Flir TK Scout as I am planning to buy one. But is it really usuable on our boats, entering a mooring by night or saving a MOB ?
Thanks for any comment.

Posted by: Laurent in reply to Matthew Hahn at February 7, 2017 10:49 AM | Reply

Hi Laurent, I think that a key specification to look at and compare across the FLIR handheld thermal line is "Range Performance (Detect Man)." You'll see that it's directly proportional to resolution and varies from 100 yards for the TK up beyond 1,000 yards for the hi res handhelds. That's a big difference, but so is the price.

I still don't much time with the TK but I believe it is usable for moorings and MOB but not at much distance.

Also, if I were you I'd wait on a purchase until next week's Miami Show, just in case. I really doubt that FLIR will announce a newer low end handheld, but they are always trying to drive prices down.

Posted by: Ben E in reply to Laurent at February 7, 2017 12:04 PM | Reply

PS (somewhat unrelated): I have had a lot of experience with the FLIR FX security/car/action camera, both the regular inside version and with the outdoor casing. It's a wee geeky to get set up but very capable and the Rapid Recap can be a blast. Details here:

And very good deal here (probably because it's being replaced by the more market focused FLIR Security model).

Posted by: Ben E at February 7, 2017 12:24 PM | Reply

Hi I saw that there are 2 diferent FLIR scopes the FLIR Scout and FLIR Ocean Scout Now I got the idea that the FLIR Ocean Scout is for Marine, Buț is it Marine/ Water use only ? Is the Ocean Scout good for on Land too or not really ?

Posted by: Dennis at August 26, 2017 7:15 AM | Reply

Dennis, I'm pretty sure that the FLIR Scout TK and Ocean Scout TK are the same camera just with different names and case colors for different markets. I can't see any difference in the specs -- both are IP67 submersible, for instance.

The various higher resolution (and higher cost) Scout handhelds also seem to have equivalent Outdoors and Marine models with different names and colors.

Posted by: Ben E in reply to Dennis at August 28, 2017 8:53 AM | Reply

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