10 years in the Panbo wheelhouse, some improvements made

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Apr 13, 2015

Panbo_office_desk_3-10-2014.jpgWhile I was already fairly "seasoned" when I wrote my first Panbo entry 10 years ago yesterday, I feel like I have a few more years of obsessing over marine electronics left (Panbo itself turned 10 on 2/4/2014). Today, though, I'm going to share a few non-marine infrastructure improvements I've made, mainly to Panbo's completely redone edit office. I haven't been very shy about personal matters over the years, but I never showed the horrid mess of a home office where I did much of my work. And I wouldn't now, except as a "before" to an "after" I'm very pleased with...

Panbo_office_desk_4-13-2015.jpgTa-da! This is not only a much more pleasant and efficient work area, it may also include some ideas that could make your own office happier and healthier. The project began last July when I moved the working parts to another room and either stored or threw away every single dusty magazine, unused gadget, and stick of furniture. Then a sharp young man, far more limber than myself, replaced the hideous carpet and shrunken spruce flooring with pre-finished oak and also cut a new window into the massively thick north wall. I love the energy-efficient solar-oriented home I built -- well, started building -- in the late 70's, but I was a little carried away at first. There were no windows on the north side, for instance, and no electrical outlets in any of the exterior walls, which are framed with true 2 x 6 inch studs with an added layer of urethane foam insulation on the inside (and outside, too, on the north side). It's not easy to add anything to these walls. But look, no cables on the floor!

Panbo_office_east_window_mess_3-10-2014.jpgFor much of the last 35 years my office was the least finished room in the house, and at some point I clearly gave up on cable organization. It was an odious task to go under the desk to fix something or -- heaven forbid -- to install a new computer. So, one major goal of the redo was to create hidden raceways that could contain all the wired tech in the room plus the new cables that will, no doubt, come along.

Panbo_office_east_4-13-2015.jpgPart of the solution was replacing all the slap-dash shelving with two sets of semi-custom maple cabinets sourced online from Highland Designs. They're not the highest quality, but they became quite solid once finished (I favor Watco Natural Danish Oil) and screwed in place, and that corner cabinet does a pretty good job of disguising the power, cable tv/Internet, and phone connections behind it along with much associated gadgetry. I've also drilled numerous just-below-shelf passways, and that is a dark yellow cable raceway under the window looking somewhat similar to a chair rail moulding (with a fish line already in place).

(Note how the large ash tree seen standing in our backyard in the "before" photo is now on the ground, still waiting for the end-of-driveway snowpack to clear enough so that a crew can get in to make firewood. It fell during the first -- very wet and heavy -- snowfall of the year and nearly destroyed the PanboMobile parked on the south side of the house when I still was cruising boat shows in early November. While we're now fairly convinced that spring is really here - check the open windows - it will be a long time before we forget the winter of 2015.)

Panbo_office_west_4-13-2015.jpgThe new cabinetry on the west wall similarly covers up an electrical outlet I put high on a wall (reasons forgotten) and I'm using that for a pretty elaborate charging station. Besides having only three power outlets, the room had just two rough overhead light fixtures controlled by a single switch outside arched doorway (which was recycled along with the fir paneling seen around the kitchen from the old Camden High School just before it was demolished in 1979). I'm very pleased with the continuous track lighting solution you can see in the photos. All the components are standard Cal Lighting HT Series and were sourced online from Lighting Design Experts, who have a fabulous 30 day free return policy. Thus, I was able to order extra track parts because I was confused about how some went together and extra fixtures because I wanted to balance the lighting around the room.

I ended up using several different fixtures and lots of different LED bulbs, though all with roughly the same 3000K medium warm color temperature. But the cherry on top is a Lutron Caseta Dimmer Kit that I replaced the old switch with. Now I've got lighting similar to what I've been striving for on the boat - efficient and high quality LED brightness when needed with smooth flicker-free dimming down to near zero. Plus, I can control the lighting with the included wireless white Pico remote seen on my desk above. The desk, incidentally, is in standing mode in this photo, and switching to what's called a sit-stand desk was a big motivation for this whole project.

Bens_new_titanium_hip_hardware_cPanbo.jpgNow we're at the truly "not very shy" portion of this entry. I wanted to try a sit-stand desk because I've been plagued by arthritis pain in my left hip for the last few years. And you could say that it didn't really work given that the x-ray above shows the major joint replacement hardware implanted there on March 2nd. But in fact, being able to switch positions up and down during an office workday had already given me a lot of relief -- it seems much more natural, and I'm pretty sure it would benefit many -- and it was especially great during the recovery process.

What you see below in full up position is an AD111HD electric adjustable height desk frame from Ergo Depot -- which also supplied my beloved Muvman boat stool -- topped with a solid, blank 80- x 30-inch birch door. And what I'm demonstrating is a feature that I hadn't even anticipated. I did figure out the trough that holds a gigantic Tripp Lite outlet strip and surge protector and also keeps the cables mostly out of sight as the desk goes up and down. But it wasn't until I had the whole rig assembled that I realized I could put the Aerion chair (that was perhaps my first useful hip-and-back-relief gear investment) at maximum low and wheel around under the desk like a high-tech garage mechanic, which I should do again soon to better fasten that cable running to the desk's up-down control near my head ;-)

Panbo_sit-stand_desk_extra_feature_cPanbo.jpgSo, I may be sitting in the exact same place where I wrote "Look, Ma, I'm blogging" 10 years ago, but that place has a new lease on life and so do I. Just six weeks out of surgery I feel years younger and confident that I'll be crawling around Gizmo's tight spaces pain-free at the end of the month. And some day I'll illustrate improvements I made to Panbo's basement lab a couple of years ago, a hint of which just happened to pop up in the screensaver as I snapped the picture above, as did an image showing some of the wonderful offspring who now live wonderfully close by (though mom has passed). Having them around was even better than a sit-stand desk during this long winter, and I'm especially grateful to my very tidy spouse, Andrea, who had to wait 20 years before my office got decent, and who, by the way, has been doing a bang-up job as Panbo's copy editor ("...when he is patient enough to allow me the time to edit before publishing") and ad manager since her retirement. I'm also extremely grateful to the Panbo advertisers who help to keep this micro enterprise afloat and to AIM Marine Group who brought me back to the good magazines I was working with 10 years ago, and more. And, of course, to you dear boaters who actually read what I write and even respond sometimes. Let's keep on truckin'.


Great job Ben! Looking forward to another 10.

Posted by: Jeff at April 13, 2015 8:55 PM | Reply

Congrats on the 10 years, Ben. I've always enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work. Nice post about your office redo - good job. And good luck with the "hardware" you got in March.

Cheers and happy blogging.

Austin, TX

Posted by: SteveWardAustin at April 13, 2015 9:00 PM | Reply

Ahhh, the inner sanctum revealed! Looks great, Ben. Congrats on ten!

Posted by: Tim Queeney (@timqueeney) at April 13, 2015 11:18 PM | Reply

We are with you Ben

Posted by: Dan Corcoran (b393capt) at April 14, 2015 1:53 AM | Reply

Congrats, Ben. It looks great (you too)!
And, love the Crumb reference....it's a "Natural."

Posted by: AndyH at April 14, 2015 7:10 AM | Reply

Good to see you up and around after the op. Keep moving and we will see you aboard the Sally W and Panbo soon.
Need help ?

Posted by: Allan Seymour at April 14, 2015 8:37 AM | Reply

Good one onya buddy! No one does it like you do.

Posted by: Mark & Diana Doyle at April 14, 2015 8:54 AM | Reply

nothing like spring house cleaning....on steroids!

Looks good



Posted by: Don Joyce at April 14, 2015 10:28 AM | Reply

My congratulations are accompanied with thanks for all the good things you have researched, tried out, shared opinions about, and published. Panbo is a treasure. Hope to see you again this summer!

Posted by: Rob Beebe at April 14, 2015 1:18 PM | Reply

what a great ten years! Enjoying every post.

Posted by: Pat McQueen at April 14, 2015 6:34 PM | Reply

A clean desk is a sign of sick mind........
We'll see if that axiom is true if your excellent blogs go down hill!!
Congrats on 10 years of great info!

Posted by: Roger Montembeault at April 15, 2015 10:25 AM | Reply

Hi Ben:

Congratulations on the remodel job. Hope the recovery continues to go well so you can get back to Gizmo soon. One of our dealers in New Bern is looking forward to meeting you.

All the best,


Posted by: Steven G at April 15, 2015 12:36 PM | Reply

Thanks Steven (and everyone else),

I'll be back in New Bern on the 28th after a few days in SW Florida with an old friend who has an issue I deeply wish was as fixable as my hip. (Now I'm doing "Karate Kid" exercises -- dipping while balancing on the old "bad" leg -- that would have hurt like hell on March 1, and haven't taken so much as a Tylenol for almost two weeks.)

I'll probably be in New Bern about a week and then plan to solo up to Hampton and meet my bride for two weeks of Chesapeake cruising. Then on May 26 Andrea will be replaced by Peter Swanson (yipe!) for the leg from Baltimore to Essex, CT, for TrawlerFest...


...if everything goes as planned ;-0

Posted by: Ben E in reply to Steven G at April 15, 2015 2:26 PM | Reply

I am writing to encourage Panbo readers to take Ben up on his offer to write a Panbo entry in return for a hat.

I Thank Ben for offering that opportunity to me, some 12 times or more.

I hope the next 10 years see many more of you taking this opportunity. In return you get

- No praise whatsoever

- A fulfilling conversation (sometimes uncomfortable) with a master of analysis in marine electronics, challenging you to check facts, dig deeper, focus your opinion, and write in fewer words.

- Immediate gratification of seeing your piece on Panbo, with bragging rights to family (Ben edits your piece, so it reads better than your family thinks your capable of)

- A fulfilling conversation, through comments, with the readers (all comments appear as is, Ben does not moderate).

- A cool hat.

Posted by: Dan Corcoran (b393capt) at April 15, 2015 5:30 PM | Reply

Nice one Ben. I have a lot of respect for your work, both the quality of the content and style. Both are top shelf. Our industry needs your impartial voice to cut through the noise.

Remodeling is... good when it is over! We started building a new shop last year, moved in this year and are now living out of boxes. I give it another year before we are settled, but it is already an step up from the old place.

What's that white stuff out your window?

Cheers, Eric.

Posted by: emsusa at April 16, 2015 10:08 AM | Reply

Reading your blog from the discombobulation of my own office, I wondered how you got hold of my X-ray? Then I saw I was mistaken: There was only one hip replacement -- wait until you get two! You'll always have an excuse not to dance.

Nice job on your office. Someday I'll clean mine out,

Posted by: Mike Smith at April 30, 2015 11:25 AM | Reply

Thanks, Mike! Funny thing is that the last straw for my left hip cartilage may have been a wild Fort Lauderdale dance party last fall (sponsored by this dangerous outfit: http://www.tasteofrums.com/ ).

Up to then physical therapy had me going pretty good.

Posted by: Ben E in reply to Mike Smith at April 30, 2015 1:45 PM | Reply

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