Panbo & AIM, a good 2013 ahead!

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jan 1, 2013

Panbo may not make the corporate masthead any time soon, but the agreement that begins today is definitely a collaboration between this little web site and the Active Interest Media Marine Group, and I'm excited about it. AIM not only includes Power & Motoryacht and Sail magazines, where I wrote columns for many years, but also Soundings and PassageMaker, both of which I've long admired. In fact, one of my first formal acts as AIM's Senior Electronics Editor will be delivering a seminar titled "Dedicated Navigation Systems and the Apps Revolution" at the Fort Lauderdale Trawler Fest on February 1st (a seminar I hope to write aboard the trawler-like Gizmo in South Carolina). But the main goal for 2013 is to feed and grow Panbo and the AIM relationship is going to help...

It may take a while to get the programming done, but eventually Panbo content written by myself and others will appear on various AIM web sites and also in an e-newsletter (and maybe in print). There may even be a "What are they talking about on Panbo" comments box on some AIM sites, but wherever our writings and chatter appears it will be clearly sourced and AIM readers will be encourage to visit here if they'd like to join the conversations. I'm hoping that Panbo's audience will broaden and I'll also have more resources with which to broaden its voice. I know I've talked about getting more writers on Panbo before but now I'm more determined and better equipped. (So don't hesitate to get in touch if you like to give entry creation a try.)
   And speaking of resources I'd like to thank the companies that advertised on Panbo in 2012 and especially those who've signed up for 2013. Almost all the advertisers you see will be supporting the site for the entire year and a few more are in the wings (and there is room for more). Now if I could just get someone clever to breath some life into the Panbo Classifieds!  Yes, there are many ways to improve this place but I've been thinking for a while that it's already become something more than a "blog"...hence the slight name change you can see in the header logos and also on the door of the new (and highly teched-out) company car. Welcome to Panbo 2013, "The Marine Electronics Hub" and also the enthusiastic partner to AIM Marine Group.



Congrats Ben, adventures and change are always invigorating for the soul, and I think you're getting a first class set collaborators. BTW, the boat "cover" on MIR was featured on the cover of PassageMaker in Jan 08. Good Luck.

Posted by: Bill Bishop at January 1, 2013 4:42 PM | Reply

Congrats, Ben. Sounds like a mutually beneficial arrangement!

Posted by: Tim Flanagan at January 1, 2013 11:25 PM | Reply

Congrats to AIM & Panbo, and Best Wishes for complete success with your new relationship.

Posted by: Dan Corcoran (b393capt) at January 2, 2013 12:23 AM | Reply

New affiliation sounds good to me.

I had hoped to write some articles over the holiday period, but I'm afraid I spent all available time on my family and tinkering with my boat control -- see the new SonicHub PGNs over on, for instance. Still, I'm sure there will be plenty to write about in the near future.

"So many gizmos, so little time!" -- Indeed!

Posted by: Kees at January 2, 2013 3:38 AM | Reply

Congratulations and Happy New Year. If you need any assistance from us in Miami just let me know.
Jeffrey Schwartz

Posted by: Jeffrey at January 2, 2013 8:59 AM | Reply

Yes! Great news... sounds like a perfect combo.

Posted by: Ben Eriksen at January 2, 2013 11:13 AM | Reply

Congratulations Ben - maybe there is a iPhone app in the future?

Posted by: Tony at January 2, 2013 11:22 AM | Reply

Hey Ben,

Congratulations! I'm also been a big fan of the AIM lineup, Soundings being my absolute favorite. AIM has picked up some great periodicals over the last few years, and have focused well on the many different niche boat markets out there. Very excited for you, and of course it would be an honor to contribute some material to support 'The Hub' through both online and printed medium. I'll just have to do my best to tone down my New York-bred fiery diatribes laced with Lower East Side sarcasm, as not to put off the "New England Braintrust" as longtime Northstar NE rep Joe Jansen coined his territory. I will be in touch Happy New Year, what a year it's shaping up to be!

Posted by: Labozza at January 2, 2013 10:26 PM | Reply

Congratulations,Ben! The AIM group has its head on right, from what I see. When they bought our Trawler Fest, it seemed an obvious match and all indications are that they intend to improve the boat owner experience through print, interactive online, and in-person events. Your should be able to reach out and touch a lot more people.

And, as the industry has not done a great job to educate and help boat owners become safer and more capable operators, efforts such as what AIM is working towards will help the recreational boating community and perhaps even help attract a new segment of boaters.

Hoping 2013 rocks!

Posted by: BillP at January 4, 2013 10:27 AM | Reply

Thanks, Bill! I've really appreciated your encouragement over the years, and I regret that I've only gotten associated with PassageMaker after you left your fine creation behind.

And I'm pleased to double down on your take regarding AIM Marine Group. I've already, I think, helped to make a terrific future PM article by Mark and Diane Doyle about using iPads for navigation even better, and it's looking like I may well be doing a demo of safety/tracking/communications handhelds at the Lauderdale Trawler Fest as well as the seminar.

I'd like to think that I helped improve the quality of the electronics content at my previous magazine group, and I'll miss working with those writers, but AIM seems especially up for making use of my services. As I'm sure you realize, boating electronics writers tend to work without a net. They get edited but rarely by someone who's conversant in their subject matter (let alone obsessed with it ;-).

Posted by: Ben E in reply to BillP at January 4, 2013 8:53 PM | Reply

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