Compass Marine: Installing a battery monitor & much, much more

I've long been meaning to give a hearty shout out to a slightly odd site called Compass Marine. What's odd is that the author -- RC Collins, an ABYC certified marine electrical technician and sailor -- is using an online database designed for photographers to create excellent how-to articles on subjects like Installing a Battery Monitor. But once you get used to the captioned illustration format, I think you'll be amazed. As suggested in the screen shot above, RC built a demo 12v power system so he could photo illustrate the Victron BMV-602S installation to near perfection, and he even annotates some of his photos to further make his points. This amount of work is not trivial. Collins could use a copy editor (me too!), but he really knows his stuff and he goes to extraordinary lengths to explain what he knows...
A favorite Compass Marine entry of mine is titled Marine Wire Termination. You'll find more valuable detail on crimpers and crimped terminals than anywhere else I know of, and toward the end Collins proves the strength of his preferred adhesive-lined type by hanging anchors totalling about 95 pounds on a 12 guage butt connector. This is boat wiring geek fun!
There are many more interesting entries at Compass Marine, and Collin's how-to expertise extends well beyond electrical topics to rebuilding thru-hull fittings, winterizing water systems, re-bedding deck hardware, and much more. You can also see his Sailing Photography here. Yes, RC is a Mainer, and anyone with a boat near Portland should probably consider him for electrical work. I'm hoping he'll move his content to a web site that supports better formatting, higher res photos, and maybe some advertising revenue that might encourage to post more frequently. In the meantime, the only way to thank RC for sharing as much as he has so well is with a donation.

+1 Ben
RC, aka Compass Marine, aka Maine Sail, aka MaineCruising has generously (& meticulously) shared his knowledge with the marine community across sailnet and youTube
Glad to see him getting recognition from you on your blog!