January 2012 Archives

Wireless data appliances: Comar NMEA-2-WiFi & DY AIS LifeGuard

Jan 6, 2012

The London Boat Show opened today and so far I've learned of two products being introduced there. It's somewhat odd that while both say "AIS" on the box neither is an AIS receiver or transponder. Certainly the Comar NMEA-2-WiFi box might be used to send AIS target info to apps like iNavX running on an iPad -- and given that Comar is all about AIS, it's likely -- but in fact its two NMEA 0183 inputs could be used for any data a user wants. Having two 0183 inputs, incidentally, is what seems to distinguish Comar's product from Digital Yacht's single input WLN boxes (though worth noting that the Brookhouse iMux has 4 inputs). Meanwhile DY came up with an entirely novel AIS-related data appliance...

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Compass Marine: Installing a battery monitor & much, much more

Jan 4, 2012

I've long been meaning to give a hearty shout out to a slightly odd site called Compass Marine. What's odd is that the author -- RC Collins, an ABYC certified marine electrical technician and sailor -- is using an online database designed for photographers to create excellent how-to articles on subjects like Installing a Battery Monitor. But once you get used to the captioned illustration format, I think you'll be amazed. As suggested in the screen shot above, RC built a demo 12v power system so he could photo illustrate the Victron BMV-602S installation to near perfection, and he even annotates some of his photos to further make his points. This amount of work is not trivial. Collins could use a copy editor (me too!), but he really knows his stuff and he goes to extraordinary lengths to explain what he knows...

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Dometic IBEX 2011, BVFD & WhisperFan

Jan 3, 2012

Winter will not be slow on Panbo largely because I still have lots to cover from my summer cruising and fall travels, and more time to do it in. At IBEX, for instance, I learned about a couple of neat ways that Dometic is using sophisticated modern electronic controls to make existing marine appliances work better. And I even got a little (goofy) face time in a video about the Bypassable Variable Frequency Drive (select HD at your own risk)...

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Most popular Panbo 2011 entries, themes for 2012?

Jan 2, 2012

Looking back at Panbo statistics for 2011, the iPad was undeniably a major topic. The February entry "iPad cases for the boat, & some interesting apps" was the most read of the year, by far, and the next up was the "The damn iPad: iNavX, X-Traverse, Navimatics & AC" entry written back in May, 2010 (when I was lusting for one). In addition, March's "Accessory GPS for iPads..." came in at #5, and May's "iPad GRIB viewers..." at 12. So should Panbo become iPanbo? Well, certainly a major goal here is to report on and discuss important trends in marine electronics, but understanding statistics like these involves a lot of nuance...

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