ShipFinder iPhone/iPad giveaway, Happy Holidays

One of several things I like about the latest (2.29) version of the Ship Finder HD AIS viewer for the iPad is that when you zoom out you'll see available targets grouped by the shore receivers that Ship Finder's developer ("pinkfroot" is its unusual name) currently has access to. Some users seem to have a hard time getting the concept, but as I've written before, "the most important thing about a remote AIS viewer -- be it on the Web, or an iPhone, or wherever -- has to be the data feeds it uses." Pinkfroot now also has a free Web viewer that shows the same data feeds. The truth is that coverage around much of North America is pretty darn spotty and will stay that way until more of us set up receivers and give the data feeds to Pinkfroot and all the other developers who rebroadcast it for public enjoyment...
Still Ship Finder, and the others, are neat if a bit of coast you're interested in is covered. And how nice of Pinkfroot to offer Panbo readers 15 free copies of the iPad editon {sorry, all gone}, along with 15 free copies of the iPhone edition {also all gone}. Just email [email protected] and be sure to tell me which version you want. First come, first served (and no restrictions on international iTunes accounts anymore).The only other iPad-specific AIS viewer I have installed is FleetMon: Mobile Vesseltracking (actually it's a "universal app", but that concept works fine, while running iPhone apps on iPads doesn't really). It's more expensive than Ship Finder HD ($25 vs $8) and doesn't have any more North American coverage, though that coverage includes some places Ship Finder doesn't (and vice versa). But FleetMon Mobile (and the FleetMon web site) can search on a vessel's last known position, which can be somewhat useful. For instance, here's the Class B on my brother-in-law's M/V Brilliant caught last July in Narragansett Bay...

Also available for Android, for €3.50. Reviews on the Market aren't great. Pretty pricey. Think I'll cool off on this one and/or wait for a free app. But good to see that such an App exists! Thanks Panbo!