Maptech print, new home at Richardson's

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Aug 1, 2008

Richardson's Maptech

This week Maptech sold it paper chart and guide book division to Richardsons’ Publications, which was already producing similar products. In fact, a principal there was working at BBA/ChartKit when Maptech purchased it in 1997. “Things have come full circle.” A nice aspect to this deal is that most of the Maptech print staff will now work for Richardsons’.  Sounds like the various Maptech chart books and guides will carry on nicely..

Which will be reassuring to a lot of boaters here in Camden today. The fog is thick enough to slice and serve, and a whole fleet of classic wooden yachts will be racing off to Brooklin while another fleet of modern race boats arrive here for the Camden-Castine race tomorrow. There will be an intense amount of navigation happening just outside the harbor and I’m going to have a look.

PS 8/1: Well, the fog sort of cleared, but that just anticipated the serious rain event that happened shortly after the photo below was snapped. I’d just been wishing good luck to the New York 40 Marilee in the background as the race skipper had been kind enough to invite me aboard as navigator. Which I would have relished doing, even in rain and fog, but couldn’t because of family events. The photographer was ace PR man Andrew Golden, who’s in the area celebrating two years with the very good sport in the damp bow of little Gizmo. I wish them all, and you, a wonderful weekend.

PPS: Oh, the electronics! Check out a bigger version of the picture to see Gizmo’s new antenna rack and signs of the fairly complete NMEA 2000 network I’ve installed. The Lowrance LCX—which can show the output of multiple GPS receivers, wind sensors, or whatever simultaneously—is going to be good for testing, and I’ve also got a Broadband Sounder to experiment with. More soon.



Take an AIS B petition with you.

Posted by: Sandy at August 1, 2008 10:56 AM | Reply

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