NavNet 3D, taking orders!

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Mar 3, 2008

NavNet3D MIBS cPanbo

Almost every time I walked by Furuno’s demo area just outside the MIBS madness Electronics Room, it looked like the scene above, i.e. full of folks intently learning about NavNet 3D. But while last Fall’s NN3D buzz continued, the negative word around MIBS was that Furuno didn’t yet have a shipping date, and wasn’t even taking orders. “Nice system,” competitors said, “but you can’t get it!” 

Panbo readers wrote in theorizing that Furuno’s VX2 “Massive Rebate” program was a sign that 3D had been announced too early, and the delay was also knocked a bit by my blog buddies, first Jeff, and then Tom (who’s now updated the Raymarine G story). Well, that situation ended today at 10 am Pacific Time, when  Furuno began taking orders for delivery “the week of April 28”. Those deliveries will apparently be first-ordered-first-shipped and will include everything except the DRS25A 25 kw radar, which is expected “late spring/early summer”. Plus—to my surprise, because I thought they’d come first, but not really part of NN3D—the FI-50 instruments do not yet have a ship date or pricing.
   At any rate, NavNet 3D is about to get real, and I know I’m not the only one anxious to try it on the water. Then there will be the responses. Oh yeah. In fact, Greg DeVries—who is both Garmin’s Marine Sales Manager and one of NN3D’s more outspoken fans—not only told me that “Garmin will have a response!” but that I could and should quote him on that. Done!


The FI50's are in stock in the UK, and we are fitting our 1st ones in about 2 weeks time.

Also Garmin can dream about having a response.

They may very well have a response but it will be full of bugs rushed out and quite plainly a BAD ONE!

Posted by: Furuno UK (maybe) at March 3, 2008 5:06 PM | Reply

Please note that whoever signed in as "Furuno UK" left no email address or other identifying info, plus Furuno USA is unsure about that "in stock" business and is not comfortable with the Garmin bashing. In fact, my source there says they wouldn't be at all surprised to see Garmin develop a significant response to NavNet 3D.

Posted by: Ben at March 3, 2008 7:37 PM | Reply

Available in the UK or not, they aren't available in the USA so I'm going shopping for an alternative.

Time will tell if the poster is correct about earlier availability in the UK.

Posted by: Anonymous at March 3, 2008 10:08 PM | Reply

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