C-Map Max recall, zero tolerance

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Mar 3, 2008


So today I got a 512 Meg SD card and thus can now take screenshots on the Northstar M121. One I wanted to show you is this nifty “About” screen which includes the color coding for most of the unit’s possible input/output wiring, and which turned out to be particularly timely because C-Map just initiated a recall for certain Max chart cards if used with certain plotter software. If and when you go the C-Map Recall page, what you’ll need to know is the “cartridge code” shown in “Slot 2” above and the plotter’s software version, shown upper left. In fact, the recall only involves Max cards dated prior to October, 2006, and only certain plotters, mostly early versions of Si-Tex, Interphase, Standard Horizon, Cobra, Furuno, and European machines (that all run Max cartography).

The problem that will be solved with a free card replacement from C-Map mainly involves the display of “underwater objects with negative sounding values”, which sounds a lot like the “Obstructions that cover” subject once visited here along with certain other early Max issues. Why a recall now? Jeppesen C-Map tells me that it’s another example, like the Passport recall, of the new owner’s zero tolerance for errors. “They’re bringing aviation-style quality control to the recreational marine world.” And, by the way, C-Map says that if your boat is shrink wrapped so you can’t get at the plotter software version (which may not be as easy to find as the Northstar’s anyway), just give them call; they want to get these cards right.

PS Note that the “About” screen above fails to show the User Card that I saved the screenshot to in Slot 1. Now check the User Card screen below—taken nearly simultaneously—which does show the card, only at twice its actual memory size, but does not show the chart card in slot 2. Doh!



Wow Ben....I got a bit worried when I first read this article but after a strong coffee and a second read I feel a bit better. I need to check if my chart card is one of the effected ones and organise to change it if it is but the more I think about it the better I feel about c-maps future if the "new owners" are detecting and better still sorting out problems in their products - I wonder if other companys should follow this example ?

Posted by: Fair Fax at March 4, 2008 8:28 AM | Reply

Kudo's to C-MAP's new owners.

Posted by: Dan (b393capt) at March 4, 2008 10:30 AM | Reply

I've been using Jeppesen data in aviation for years, both paper and electronic. My experience is that the error rate is extremely low (almost nonexistent) and they fix problems very quickly. If Jeppesen's philosophy spreads to C-MAP it will make that company that much better.


Posted by: Norton Rider at March 4, 2008 2:09 PM | Reply

Jeppesen does an absolutely superb job with aviation cartography. That is, that has been their business for 70 years now.

I remember, though, a conversation with a Nobeltec manager about four years ago where he stated Jeppesen's goal was "zero tolerence" for errors in their marine cartography. At that time the statement was about the most advanced nautical cartography available; Passport Charts, which are about to be superceded by the most advanced nautical cartography available; C-Map Max Pro.

The executives at Jeppesen are obviously naive and don't know anything about marine cartography. Among the world's repository of nautical charts, some editions currently in use date to the late 18th century. Is Jeppesen going to expend the money for new surveys for the world where islands are off position by a mile, or everytime a shoreline changes due to weather? The nations of the world don't do it; why should we believe Jeppesen's marketing hype.

Boeing and Jeppesen is a great marriage. Jeppesen's foray into the marine business reminds me of Henry Ford attempting to build ships for the navy and concrete freighters. Those efforts were a disaster.

Posted by: Rigobert Bonne at March 4, 2008 8:58 PM | Reply

Great screen shots Ben.

Posted by: Damon at March 4, 2008 11:09 PM | Reply

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