Old instruments #2, Signet's still around
We’re collecting some valuable information and opinions in the first “old instrument” entry (thank you, commenters!). For instance, who knew that Moor/EMS was still around making and servicing their economy grade sailing and fishing gauges (see this eBay store for pricing), some of which will fit holes left by other older brand round models. Plus local installer John Gass wrote me with some tips, like the fact that Signet Marine is still going strong. Actually that company Web site is really comprehensive, even including advanced testing info like the image above, used to troubleshoot a masthead wind sensor. Gass also recommended DMI Marine as “the place to go for Datamarine repairs” and Wheelhouse Marketing as “excellent for older B&G, Leica, and other obscure brands.” In fact, he says that Autohelm ST50’s are about the only instruments he can’t get repaired anymore, which is why he’s hoarding those removed during upgrades. In that dept. he says he usually uses Raymarine or Simrad to replace Autohelms, as the new DMIs are problematical size wise.
I’m a bit naive about all this, probably becauses almost none of these companies are the sort to send out press releases or even attend the big boat shows. It would seem that DMI, Moor, Signet, etc. have found a comfy niche in what we might call the instrument underground. Who have we missed?
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