Lady Moura, aground at Cannes

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on May 21, 2007

LM aground

A captain’s nightmare: putting your 344’ Saudi-owned mega aground, rupturing a fuel tank, just off Cannes during the Film Festival. The above photo and news here, and more at PMY’s megayacht forum and yachts.monacoeye. Have there been an unusual number of marine accidents this Spring, or is the news just getting out more in this wired world? (There’s also the very sad wait for Flying Colors).



i was in the south of france last week and i went to nice marina and i saw the Lady Moura she is gorgous ! The best boat i've ever seen ! (well more like a ship !)

does anybody know if shes still there ?

Posted by: cassandra at August 25, 2007 11:33 AM | Reply

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