BMW Oracle Racing, going down?

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on May 20, 2007


Geez, call it my American arrogance, but I really thought Larry Ellison’s America’s Cup team was a contender. But I haven’t been paying much attention, and it looks like BMW Oracle Racing may lose the semi-finals today, especially as Ellison (no relation) apparently fired skipper/helmsman Chris Dickson before today’s race. There are video clips and breaking news at, and Kimball Livingston is blogging the cup here, very well I think.

PS.  Yup, the U.S. team is done; no Cup in San Francisco anytime soon, I guess. I dug around for some dope on BMW Oracle’s—or any IACC boat’s—electronics, but only found this vaugeness. What the hell are all those aft antennas (seen in this Gilles Martin-Raget photo)? Anyone?


It make much difference for BMW Oracle.

From :

"Results: Desaf卲 beats ETNZ, series goes to 4-2. Luna Rossa beats BMW Oracle, wins series, advances to the final. BMW Oracle is eliminated."

Posted by: Bob Hinden at May 20, 2007 11:35 AM | Reply

Please some one remind me of a winning Farr IACC boat.

Posted by: GPSNavX at May 20, 2007 11:37 AM | Reply

Well, Farr did design a very fast boat back in 92 that was a big threat to the rest of the challengers. It had the keel bulb suspended on two movable foils (rudders) and it would crab to windward. While this was fairly innovative, though not a completely new idea, it was the inclusion of a bow sprit that ultimately destroyed the challenge, after Cayard and others protested and won out. Before that, it looked as if they has a chance, although Koch's America^3 team was pretty dominant that go around. Before that, and before he designed that ridiculous 120' monster for Michael Fay in '88, Farr was responsible for the plastic fantastic boats in the '86 '87 cup match. These were undefeated in the Louis Vuitton series, save for one loss to Stars and Stripes prior to the semi finals. It is though by many that Connors and crew sandbagged their second match against the Kiwis. Connors of course dominated the Kiwis in the Louis Vuitton cup finals only losing one race to the Kiwis...which is actually the same result as Oracle vs Prada in Valencia. I do find it interesting that Farr has not been able to prevail in the arena given his amazing ability to outdesign everybody else every where else.

Posted by: Eliboat at May 21, 2007 11:17 AM | Reply

S&S 87 went to a mode change towards the end that did not work well, and then went back two steps for then end of LVC. The sandbagging was completely unintentional, just designers pushing a little too far before backing off to a better displacement/sail-area.

I think most of the cup teams use Racing Bravo instrumentation ( with custom computer software. Some of the smaller teams may just be using modified versions of expedition ( which was originally developed for the cup and is now used by most if not all volvo teams.

Posted by: ibsailn at May 22, 2007 1:00 PM | Reply

9 out of 12 teams were actually using the B&G WTP processor with B&G Deckman as the control software. Some use Expedition as well. At the Volvo level all use both software but all teams were equipped with B&G instrument systems. WTP for all but ABN 1 which won using a stock Hercules system.

Even the Racing Bravo equipped boats use the B&G network and displays.

Posted by: bobc at May 22, 2007 2:15 PM | Reply

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