Maretron & Carling, more N2K happiness, mostly

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Nov 9, 2006

Maretron NK2View 2 c Panbo lr

The screens above, bigger here , show Maretron’s prototype for N2KView, an engine (and more) monitoring program. Of course it handles most any raw NMEA 2000 data in a boat’s backbone, including J1939 engines via Maretron’s gateway. But an extra neat feature is that N2KView is actually a server, able to deliver the goods to all sorts of Flash clients, including that WiFi enabled phone.
  Perhaps even happier N2K–wise is the news that Carling Technologies—the substantial old line manufacturer of switches, breakers, etc (and owner of Moritz Aerospace, i.e. Octoplex)—has just invested in Maretron. And soon I’ll be able to tell you about another big brand that is adopting NMEA 2000. Could we be reaching a tipping point? Heck, even some of the habitues of Google Groups are having an intelligent conversation about its costs (for a change).
  But I also just finished up an N2K feature for Sail, and this morning took this plug picture below. Left to right they are NMEA 2000 standard Micro size, SeaTalk2, LowranceNet, and SimNet. They all do the same thing with those 5 pins, and all could have the same name! (I also heard that Lowrance may not change plugs to the standard as promised {a rumor later shot down, thankfully}). Patch cables work but this confusing nonsense has really set a good multi-manufacturer data standard back. If you too want to see the tipping sooner than later, complain!

NK2plugs c Panbo



If Lowrance switches connectors after selling lots of units with the current connectors it may pose problems for add-on buyers later. For example, if I want to add an EP-10 to my LCX-111 next year I'll want the current connector to add to my existing back bone. Perhaps Maretron or ??? will produce a male and a female adapter for just this issue?


Posted by: Butch Davis at November 10, 2006 10:03 AM | Reply


Any reason you're using NK2 as an acronym for NMEA 2000 instead of N2K? I'd think the K stands for Kilo?

Posted by: Kees at November 20, 2006 9:05 AM | Reply

Ummm, because I'm an idiot sometimes? Thanks, Kees, I will fix here and in future!

Posted by: Ben at November 20, 2006 12:11 PM | Reply

The "same-5-pins-different-plugs" strategy makers are going with makes absolutely no sense.

I know NMEA2000 compliant cables are expensive, but why not develop a cable/plug that will fit standard NMEA2000 sockets that are cheaper to build (like with less shielding and plastic threaded collars instead of metal).

Proprietary cables will create more headaches for installers who deal with multi-brand installations.

I understand what NMEA is trying to do on the cable hardware, but it is obvious not everyone wants to pay for such high quality. NMEA should release a third cable spec that is "low cost" but "connector compatible".

Posted by: robert at November 30, 2006 9:22 AM | Reply

adapt between the red and blue conectors

Posted by: CP at February 18, 2009 5:18 PM | Reply

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