Boat hook bailer, you gotta have one

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jun 10, 2005

Bridgenorth bailer

Friday bonus gizmo: you can lock the two part handle open to get a sturdy 5’ boat hook, or you can apply some pump action and suck the last drop out a bilge or dinghy. The fluid stays in the handle until you pump again, so the thing can also be used as a ‘manual’ power washer, or a wicked squirt gun. Or to test the CFR/NEMA rating on your electronics (there, topic maintained). It works like a champ and is so darn well made that I’m worried the inventor isn’t asking enough money for it. He sells them for $44 at Bridgenorth Bailer with free shipping (maybe only in Canada, the site isn’t clear). Have a good weekend!


Ben, thanks for pointing this out! I just ordered one for our boat.

Posted by: Todd Huss at June 11, 2005 4:42 AM | Reply

I am wondering if you have a highred photo of this item that I can use in an article for Marinalife Magazine -- we will put your site down as the source. Thanks!

PS -- fun site!

Posted by: Alicia at July 13, 2010 9:53 AM | Reply

Alicia, this entry is five years old and the link to the company is dead. But I have seen the same product being sold by a bigger company at boatshows. I can't remember which, but maybe a reader will know.

I still the sample boat hook bailer and it still works well.

Posted by: Ben E at July 13, 2010 10:32 AM | Reply

looks like the address changed to:

Posted by: Bob Pingel at July 13, 2010 12:42 PM | Reply

how can I order this bailer / boat hook

Posted by: Anonymous in reply to Bob Pingel at July 28, 2017 9:41 AM | Reply

Looks like the boat hook bailer got taken over by TaylorMade some time since 2005 but then discontinued. However, this company claims to have a couple in stock, on sale too:

Posted by: Ben E at July 28, 2017 9:53 AM | Reply

Looks like sold out.

Posted by: Butch Davis at July 31, 2017 9:49 AM | Reply

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