Season's Greeting, marine electronics style

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Dec 24, 2011

I do enjoy the odd array of holiday cards, digital and otherwise, that I receive from the marine electronics industry each year. An image of animated snow (you may have to click on thumbnail above) seen on a beautiful KEP Marine monitor is joyful...

And so is the thought of a Christmas tree decorated with AMEC AIS devices...


And no enthusiast should miss the extravagant art work and satire EchoPilot puts into its annual holiday card, as seen below (fortunately the detailed description of the Punishment 72 was also captured in high res). I've had fun with marine electronics holiday cards in the past, but never thought to invite submissions. If there's an electronics-themed card that caught your fancy, please send an image I might add to this entry (contact info on the recently revised About Page). 
    And of course here's wishing a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Joeux Noel, Happy Kwanzaa,  Happy Festivus, and/or a wonderful Christmakkah (as we call it here at HQ).  Be well, and may visions of marine electronics dance in your heads.



Appropriately online in Flash from the crew of MV aCappella:

Don't forget our Christmas present of DragQueen in the Apple app store for free. Android and source is coming in early 2012!

Posted by: Jeffrey Siegel at December 24, 2011 11:09 AM | Reply

DragQueen looks neat, Jeff. Thanks!

Maybe also worth noting is that Woot has declared today "Jobsmas Eve" and is offering the 21.5-inch iMac i5 at a bit of a discount:

Posted by: Ben E at December 24, 2011 11:29 AM | Reply

Ben, Susan and I would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all of your readers. Thanks ever so much for all of your time and effort in providing all of us with this valuable resource. Chuck Baier and Susan Landry

Posted by: Capn. Chuck at December 24, 2011 4:30 PM | Reply


Wishing you a very happy Christmakkah!! :-)

Thanks so much for the stories and insights Panbo has provided over the years.



Posted by: DougSea at December 25, 2011 6:31 PM | Reply

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