Furuno FM-4000: serious VHF, somewhat new
For those of us who need to be reminded that touch screen isn't everything, don't those big dedicated knobs and backlit buttons do the job? It's Furuno's recently introduced FM4000 VHF, which benefits from a good video guide here. I quip about "somewhat new" in the headline because there are numerous clues -- like optional RAM+ mics and Bluetooth headset capabilities -- which suggest that the FM4000 is a kissing cousin of Standard Horizon's GX5500. There's nothing wrong with shared expertise, in my view, and knowing it gives a consumer a better idea of what they're getting into. Which is a seriously good and easy-to-use radio, I'm pretty sure.
Furuno's smart to source their small boat VHFs from Icom (FM3000) and Vertex Standard (FM4000), two well respected radio manufacturers.