Antenna watch, Furuno gets the big guys
I'm always checking out antenna farms and when I just reviewed shots from the last couple of weeks, it was hard not to notice how Furuno dominated on the big boat end. Like the 108' Keewaydin above, sitting in Seal Harbor on Mount Desert Island (the polar opposite of Jonesport, incidentally). There are good photos of the Keewaydin crossing the Atlantic at this blog. If you click on the image above you'll get enough detail that maybe someone can figure out what all those other mizzen and spreader gadgets are?
How about the mast on the Nordhavn 76 Cadenza, seen leaving Camden just ahead of us? Furuno radars for sure, but what else (is making little Gizmo feel gizmo deprived)?...And, finally, a tip of the hat to the Coasties who did a safety inspection of Gizmo off the beach at Roque Island. (We passed with flying colors, and they were gracious to pose, rock album style, for my camera.) Furuno has long been proud about supplying the USCG boats, and I understand that the original NavNet gear seen on this boat is being replaced with NN3D soon. Of course I saw a whole lot of other radars during this cruise, including the rare Icom seen in this week's header photo, and I also used a few. There will be lot of testing reports coming once I get back home tomorrow.
Well, I believe that's a Simrad weather vane on the N76, but I'm a bit confused by some of the other things I see (or don't): Where is the sat compass? That flattened dome looks too big to be an SC-50. Aren't the "blue-stripe" open arrays early Navnet 2? And how is it that that aft sat dome won't be covered in soot from the main engine exhaust -- unless the reason I don't see an exhaust tip is that this boat is a wet-exhaust twin, possible in a larger Nordhavn?