Panbo moving & changing; cross your fingers, please

Starting tonight, Panbo is getting moved from one hosting service's server farm to another's, which means that commenting will be shut down for an indefinite period so that the databases stay in sync until the transfer is complete, and also that I'm wicked nervous about losing bits and pieces of content (as has happened during past moves). Cross your fingers, and be patient, please. And if things go well, you're going to see some good changes around here...
This move means that Panbo is gaining the services of Mihai Bocsaru, owner of Pro It Service in Romania and expert at the Movable Type software the site is build on. Mihai should be able to quickly improve the site in many ways, like email notifications when someone responds to a comment, more organized archives, faster searching, and much more. Plus we'll continue to benefit from the good work of Samuel Schwartz, who's kept Panbo running smoothly for many months now. Sam'l used to help manage networks for the Federal Reserve and, believe me, he's made me much more aware of Internet security. Now he and his wife offer web design and many other services from their semi-retirement home down the coast a bit; I recommend them highly (while also acknowledging that they are also much appreciated in-laws)...It was Sam'l, in fact, who figured out how to make it easy for me to change the header photos that greet visitors to Panbo. And I enjoy showing off my non-electronical photography. You may have noticed the subtle change above and the bigger ones on the Forum and About page. But you haven't seen anything yet. What do think of headers featuring some of handsome birds who've been hanging around my boat this Spring? Oh, never mind, you can't comment until this transition is compete. Cross your fingers!

If you're seeing a loony header, you're looking at the new Panbo server, and comments should be working again. Please report any problems you have with the site. Either by comment or email to ben.ellison at Thanks!