N2K wind #1, Gizmo testing begins (update)
Yes, this rig is raising some eyebrows around Camden Harbor, but I think it will teach me more about NMEA 2000 wind sensors than I've been able to figure out in the lab. I've got all five cabled to the test instrument panel as well as a MFD or two and Gizmo's laptop. And you can see that I can at least theoretically simulate sailboat mast heel and motion thanks to the Ram Mount. I'm not expecting to get wind-tunnel-accurate results here, but it should be interesting. Don't hesitate with suggestions on how to use this rig and what to look for; I should be online much of the day, and may even update this entry from the boat. Good times...
I spend a few very pleasant hours on the Bay with the N2K wind rig (and my buddy Max), but a fair bit of that time was used up getting the instruments to each display a particular sensor's output, making sure the calibrations were at default, and double checking angle-to-boat offsets. Once we could see all five sensors on side-by-side displays, the notable thing was how very similar they performed in a variety of true and apparent wind conditions. And I did go up the mast and manhandle the sensor board. I'm going back out early tomorrow for more testing (and screen photography), but I'm beginning to think that the important differences amongst these sensor/display systems have to do with installation details, ease of use and calibration, display preferences, etc. And of course they all put their data on the N2K bus, which is a good thing. Tomorrow...
Do you have a way to spin that 180 degrees? I suppose you could simulate going downwind (without an interuption of air flow over the mast) if you could spin the rig 180 degrees and drive backwards. Doing so might answer the question does angling those vane's foward disadvantage their downwind measurement performance of wind angle or wind speed at 180, 150 or 130 degrees (apparent). Is the answer yes/no always, or subject to wind velocity ... e.g. in 5,10,15,20 knots (apparent)
Ben Asks: Do I need to keep that "lightning dissipater"? (Some say they work, some say they don't.)
--> I strongly believe they don't work. Could that be integrated with a hat to match your hat with the propeller?
Ben Asks: Can the VHF, AIS, WiFi, and cellular antennas perform well at the spreader level, or should some be at the mast head?
--> How about testing at the stern rail also? Is the range that is gained significant for purposes of crash avoidance / worth the effort and cost of install on the mast?