WallyNano, pretty in pink and Tacktick

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Dec 1, 2008


Bellissimo, no? Behold the WallyNano, which sports Tacktick_T220_systemLAnot only pink topsides, but all teak decks and smoked glass cabin sides, not to mention push-button hydraulic sheet handling. Tacktick is proud of this beauty as Wally put its Micronet Maxi displays (below) on the mast, controlled with a remote. She also uses Tacktick’s 4’5” high vertical wind wand in order to get more accurate readings, and—just maybe—to go with that pink plumb bow.

Can we presume that WallyNano owners will never trifle with home grown boat computers? While it’s fantastic that commenters have so much valuable to say on that subject, I thought I’d toss in a little Italian (and British) design flare to keep this from becoming geek week on Panbo. Plus I’m weak for Wally.



I'm just trying to imagine the rich, effete guy who buys this boat. Does he have a captain, or does he run the little pink frigate by himself?

Posted by: Preston Calvert at December 2, 2008 6:19 AM | Reply

I would like to sail this boat ... but not own it. Very impressive, very distinctive, but clearly high maintenance.

Posted by: Anonymous at December 2, 2008 8:52 AM | Reply

"Glass houses..." and all that, Preston! As I recall you have darn impressive boat yourself.

That said I guess we can make some presumptions about who might own an ultra expensive, high maintenance 37' daysailer. I'm picturing a gentleman who likes to sail it himself, but has a boat captain to move it around and keep it scrubbed. I also picture the WallyNano often tied up on the quarter of the owner's "other yacht".

Posted by: Ben at December 2, 2008 9:20 AM | Reply

Where's the Gabinetto (HEAD)

Posted by: Steve Morgan at December 2, 2008 11:02 AM | Reply

Only Wally would call this a nano!

Their web page lists 25 choices for topsides which are not pink. The name on the transom of this pink one is "blancaneve", which I would translate as white snow (perhaps Snow White?). I'd call it White Zin.

Posted by: norse at December 3, 2008 11:56 AM | Reply

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