Eastward, ho!

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Aug 22, 2008


If it’s beautiful in Maine, nothing is truly pressing, and you discover a $65/night motel with a dock and launching ramp…is there really a choice? Have a great weekend.


I certainly hope you take the opportunity to Have your picture taken halfway between the North Pole and the Equator in Perry at the 45th Parallel on your way to visit Monica's Chocolates, (one of the gathering places for those in the know) and Raye's Mustard Mill to buy some authentic Stone Ground Mustard at its best. Perhaps you'll even have a chance to view the enormous and ever-changing tides that inspired the legendary "Quoddy Dream", BUT if you don't get by the historic Peavey Library with its available wi-fi, you'll probably go into wwww*.
*world wide web withdrawal.

Bye the way, did you hear anything up there about the FCC??!?

Posted by: Anonymous at August 24, 2008 3:39 PM | Reply

Hope you had a grand weekend in Eastport. A mite foggy this August.
I just returned to Baltimore after many weeks at my place on the Penobscot. It is taking some adjustment to return to 8 lanes after a one stoplight town.

Posted by: MaineFog at August 25, 2008 10:37 AM | Reply

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