Google marine mashups, the latest

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Mar 20, 2008


The old days may be something like the new days, but not entirely! Check out the full screen of this NOAA raster/Google maps mashup; it’s the work of Just Magic, aka GeoGarage, and is not only way slicker than what we saw two years back, but is one of the neater Camden Harbor images I’ve ever seen. Of course it helps that Google has high res photo maps for my area now, and they register so darn perfectly with the raster chart. Try it live yourself, fool with those sliders upper right, search out your own harbor, and perhaps join me with big tip of the propeller beanie to those crazy Frenchmen in their GeoGarage.

Then have a look at what those Florida crazies at EarthNC are up to, full screen here. They’ve teamed up with to overlay buoys and lights on the Google maps the site already uses to locate member boats, marinas, etc. And I’ve heard that this is just the beginning; eventually you’ll be able to use those markers in routes you can download and share, and more. I can’t seem to link directly to the Camden map, but it’s easy enough to search out once you click on the Nautical Markers, etc. banner here.  Frankly I haven’t yet taken the time to figure out all that is up to, but I’ve been told by folks I respect that I should. And I will. But not today, which happens to be wedding anniversary #15. Color me proud and content.



GeoGarage has been busy. They now have an online charting and routing service that covers the U.S., Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Brazil, and Argentina:

Posted by: Ben E at May 19, 2010 10:55 AM | Reply

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