Garmin Nuvifone, the gPhone?
Lusting after what looks like a breakthrough cell phone, Internet tablet, video/still camera, and PND (personal navigation device) is way more fun than fretting over FCC frustrations. Garmin surprised a lot of us when it introduced the Nuvifone in NYC this evening. Sure, it looks like an iPhone but the early info suggests that it has even more going for it, especially the GPS/navigation part, but also a tight Google relationship and fast 3.5G GSM cell data.
WiFi and Bluetooth too; look at all those icons along the top of that browser screen below, and imagine the integration possible. No talk of land or marine navigation yet, but Garmin could add it in a blink and/or they could conceivably let in developers like ActiveCaptain (ACM would run stupendously on that 3.5” touch screen I’d guess). Engadget’s got most of the goods, and Garmin has started a special site, though didn’t include the gPhone in its elaborate Super Bowl ad.
I know 2.5G (Edge), 3G and LTE, what's 3.5G?