"Time Zero", the second meaning

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Nov 30, 2007


If you’ve been studying up on NavNet 3D, or watched yesterday’s video, you’d know that Furuno describes the product’s remarkably fast and smooth charting engine as based on “Time Zero” technology. And it’s so distinctive—especially, say, when you go into 3D mode and freely fly around placing a route, eye-balling radar overlay, etc.—that it deserves a name. However, Iker Pryszo, whose father Bryce founded MaxSea way back in 1985, explained to me that “Time Zero” has an entirely other meaning. In the life of a software program there comes a TIME to dump all the old code and start again at line ZERO. That’s just what MaxSea did some four years ago, even starting with a new programming language (though Iker didn’t say which). So apparently while some developers continued to work on the old code—evolving MaxSea up to its present 12.5 version, plus building the module that can integrate 12.5 with Furuno NavNet vx2 system—others worked on MaxSea Time Zero, the entirely fresh product that launches tomorrow at the Paris Boat Show. 
   Judging from the screen shot above, bigger here , Time Zero is much more like what we’ve been seeing demoed on the NavNet 3D machines than it is any earlier version of MaxSea, despite those familiar icons running down the left side. And I’m told that the two, NN3D and MSTZ, are going to work together very nicely. Plus, simultaneous with Time Zero, MaxSea’s cartography company MapMedia is announcing a wide expansion of its coverage including new vector charts “Powered by Navionics”, with 3D data and photo maps, and new raster areas. Hopefully, there will be much more detail on all this at www.MaxSea.com very, very soon.


This looks like some amazing software. Do you happen to know what MaxSea's development staff looks like (how many developers, QA, etc.)?

Posted by: Craig Eddy at November 30, 2007 8:57 PM | Reply

Looks nice, but I would caution that a project is at its least stable after a major rewrite like this. It is the job of marketing to convince you that the new product launch won't have any of the problems that the old product launch had because (written in a new language/ISO 9000/automated testing/we fired the guy responsible for all the bugs), but take it with a grain of salt.

Posted by: George at December 1, 2007 10:41 AM | Reply

That looks very cool and I can see how neat it is in channels and amongst islands, reefs, shoals and so so forth.

I actually think playing with this stuff is a lot of fun, but using it when you're supposed to be standing watch might be the killer.

In 5 years we will see amazing evolution in imaging I suspect. Color me impressed.

Posted by: DefJef at December 1, 2007 7:06 PM | Reply

This excerpt from the show listing for MaxSea is disappointing. It looks like the reality of MaxSea is even further out than the NN3D.

"Get a MaxSea Easy on the boat show at usual price & you will get a free update* to MaxSea Time Zero in Spring 2008."

Posted by: Russ at December 3, 2007 5:21 PM | Reply

MaxSea Easy to MaxSea TZ currently is a downgrade currently as the system is not complete.

MaxSea Easy has layers
MaxSea TimeZero does not

MaxSea easy can have arpa and ais
MaxSea timezero can not

The plus points is it is amazingly fast and will be the best navigation software...when they get all the features in it !

Posted by: Anonymous at May 13, 2008 2:57 PM | Reply

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