Damn condensation, good gig

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Nov 1, 2007

Damn condensation cPanbo

Testing that Standard Horizon CPV550 wasn’t the only reason I was on the water yesterday. I was exploring some unfamiliar waters around Cundys Harbor, and it was damn inconvenient to have the big plotter and the Raymarine sounder both suddenly fog up. I’ve had this issue with the DS500X before; Raymarine’s solution was to have me stuff some desiccant bags into the back of the unit, which seemed a little half baked but did in fact work for over a year. Yesterday may have been particularly tough, what with big temperature and humidity swings. I’ll ask Standard about the fogging, but I’ll also write more about the CPV, which I have been quite impressed with.

So what was I doing “up west” in Gizmo?  Well, I haven’t mentioned it here, but I have a nifty side gig creating a column about exploring the coast for Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors. Five times a year I profile a spot worth boating to for a hike or a meal or something, complete with photos, customized chartlet, etc. And I’m delighted that Gunkholing with Gizmo is now going online. In fact the magazine’s Winter 2008 issue just came out simultaneously in print and on Web. Winter 2008!?!  Enough with the electronics already; come enjoy a July offshore birding trip—same bouncy 14’ boat, different gear—during which I got what may be my favorite picture of the year:

EE Puffin crop BE


Nice picture!

Posted by: Russ at November 1, 2007 7:08 PM | Reply

The Foggy Displays or the Puffin?

Posted by: Rick_Nav at November 1, 2007 7:48 PM | Reply

The puffin.

Posted by: Russ at November 1, 2007 8:41 PM | Reply

Excellent picture Ben. Too bad that he was heading away from you. Maybe you could have offered him that "meal or something" to tempt him to come about?

Posted by: Anonymous at November 2, 2007 8:34 AM | Reply


That photo is stunning! You have another career waiting for you - nature photographer.

Perhaps you can treat us every now an again with one of these marvels?


Posted by: DefJef at November 2, 2007 12:13 PM | Reply

Let's hope the manufacturers start following B&G whose 3000 series are fully bonded. This means there is no air gap that can fog up between the protective plastic/glass outer layer and the LCD screen.

Posted by: Kees at November 2, 2007 12:54 PM | Reply

Great pic Ben.

Posted by: Dan (b393capt) at November 2, 2007 8:08 PM | Reply

Ben, The desicant pack works - as you see only for a finite time period. Replace the desicant pack and tighten up the rear nuts on the connectors. I also add a bit of silicon grease to the seal as well.

Seems to be an issue for earlier builds, haven't seen this so much with units from the past couple of years.

Posted by: Terry at November 6, 2007 1:17 PM | Reply

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