It's Fall, and maybe a flaky Panbo

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Oct 7, 2007


The truth is I sometimes use Panbo myself as a sort of diary of where I’ve been and what I was up to, at least in the boating/electronics portion of my life. So I’m sticking up this photo a friend (thanks, Howard!) took last Thursday evening. It was amazingly warm—I sailed until after sunset in just a t-shirt—but the signs of Fall are there…the changing leaves, the schooners getting decommissioned and prepped for shrink wrap. (And, by the way, for your sense of Camden geography that tower on Mt. Battie is where I take Panbo’s header photos.) 
   So I hauled Annie G. yesterday, not just because the season is winding down, but because I’ll be on the road for a while. First a week in NYC visiting the boat’s namesake, me mum, who’s fetched up on one those medical shoals of old age. Then back here briefly, then NMEA conference on Amelia Island, FL, back to NYC, and finally to FLIBS. I’ve got tons of material for Panbo posts, but some days may not get around to it. If you live where there’s a real winter, get some last boat rides in!


Thanks Ben, It's a great harbor. I've done the "Lewis R. French" several times. If I wasn't here, Camden is where I'd be. Have a lobster roll for me.

Posted by: Richard Rodriguez at October 7, 2007 11:27 AM | Reply

Go for it, Ben!

Those waning days of summer (or is it Indian summer?) offer some of the best cruisin' Down East. As much as we all love your Panbo posts, don't use the undone ones as an excuse for not getting in a little last-minute sailing.

Hope to see you at the FLIBS. We leave the boat here in another week.

--Milt Baker, Nordhavn 47 Bluewater, Barcelona

Posted by: miltbaker at October 8, 2007 3:28 PM | Reply

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