V2, up & running

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jun 4, 2007

State of Panbo

Woohoo, Panbo V2 is live. In fact, the switchover happened faster than anticipated, actually when I was still out on Electra (good times). I thought I had until late Sunday and thus ended up working Saturday night dealing with various issues. It turned out that my Web guru Lee was also working those weird hours and so was the HostMySite support staff (five calls so far, each answered almost immediately by a knowledgeable human…wow). Big thanks to all.
   I still haven’t finished the About and Feature pages (don’t look), and the “suggest” e-mail link isn’t working right now, and I’m sure there are other issues. Please e-mail me here if you spot one. The good news?

  • Movable Type 3.3 handles spam comments better so I’ve again made it possible for readers to speak up without authentication. (If you have Type-Key, though, please use it for instant posting; plus I can add “trusted” to your ID and you’ll never have a comment rejected even if you get rapping about Viagra or whatever).
  • The features page is going to be a good place to put more standard Web pages, like all the system lists/diagrams some of you contributed in March. I also hope to post some of the electronics articles that aren’t yet online elsewhere, and maybe get into in depth reviews, etc.
  • The possibility of direct advertising support, managed by BlogAds, means I may get more time for projects like that, not mention paid better what I already do here. Of course, your support of Panbo supporters (and Google advertisers) is what really makes the whole wheel spin. Thanks for that.


Looks really nice Ben.

Posted by: Jeffrey Siegel at June 4, 2007 11:18 AM | Reply

Looks very nice..

Kind regards,
Doulgas Bartlett

Posted by: Douglas Bartlett at June 4, 2007 12:09 PM | Reply

Hey Ben,

Tne new page looks good!
The previous one look a bit too dark but the new one really brighten up the blog.

Posted by: Galen at June 4, 2007 11:25 PM | Reply

Using Safari, the entries in the middle column under Resources are sometime garbled. I will send you a screen image via email.


Posted by: Bob Hinden at June 4, 2007 11:52 PM | Reply

Looks great! I enjoy stopping in for a read a few times a week, as a tech - this site helps keep me updated on what's on the horizon.

Posted by: Terry at June 5, 2007 10:56 AM | Reply

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