Racing Visions of Johanna, two handed

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jun 15, 2007


That’s Bill Strassberg and Gram Schweikert on board Visions of Johanna, a gorgeous Chuck-Paine-designed Morris-built custom 62’ fast cruising sloop (check the PDF on this page). The name may ID a seminal Bob Dylan song but the real Johanna in this case is Bill’s wife and Gram’s mom; they are a stepdad-stepson racing team (how sweet is that!). They just began the Marion-Bermuda race this afternoon, and though they appear to be last in Class A as seen right now on iBoatTrack, they are contenders. After all just the two of them did the start and the somewhat complicated first leg out of Buzzard’s Bay while most all their competitors are fully crewed. Besides, the duo placed second in the 2005 race. Bill was deeply involved in VoJ’s design and build, and claims to know every system intimately, and Gram, a naval architect at Pedrick Yacht Design, had much to do with the yacht’s electronics, which include dual computers running The Cap’n and Explorer as well an Furuno NavNet radar and Raymarine instruments.
  Why am I so interested, besides the fact that these guys are homies? Well, I’ll be on board Visions this time next week, joining Bill and Gram, and Chuck Paine, for the trip back to Maine. And I’ll be dragging a large bag of electronical goodies along. How cool is that!


The husband of my syster is in this race on the TANTRUM, a 39 feet boat Class C in the race.
Good sailing


Posted by: Pascal Goncalves at June 16, 2007 4:18 PM | Reply

Very cool how much Bill has realized his visions of VOJ. Gram may have gotten "stuck" in NZ doing grown up things (congratulations in order) but VOJ came back here and then kept on going, and Bill was about to get underway from Hamble yesterday:

Posted by: Ben E at January 26, 2017 10:50 AM | Reply

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