Purosol Screen Cleaner, wicked good

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jun 6, 2007

Purosol c Panbo

The joke going around edit circles after Purosol’s press release about its super duper Sport/Marine screen cleaner—which purportedly is “non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, contains no CFCs, no detergents and no solvents of any kind”—was “sounds like…water!” But it’s not so. In fact, I tasted it (what we do for you people). More important, I’ve tried it now on about five screens, all with possibly fragile coatings, and it not only cleans better than the standard suggestion—which is water—but it leaves a smooth non-static coating that you can feel but not see.  It is not cheap at $7.95 per ounce bottle, microfiber cloth extra, but, man, it does the job. Available direct from Purosol, and soon, I would hope, from your friendly electronics outfit.


You can feel the non-static, or you can feel a residue/coating left behind ?

Posted by: b393capt at June 6, 2007 3:08 PM | Reply

Page looks great Ben... I love the view of the Harbor at the top of the page. The sign in link to type key went no where.

Posted by: jeffrey o at June 6, 2007 3:51 PM | Reply

Thanks, Jeff. A neat thing is that the picture is really just a placeholder. That's the view from the tower on Mt. Battie, easy to get to, and I plan to take and rotate seasonal versions of it. That harbor is half full of boats now.

b393, hard to say exactly what I'm feeling on those screens, but it feels clean, smooth, and right.

By the way, Jeff, I had no trouble signing out of and back into TypeKey. Anyone else having problems?

Posted by: Ben at June 6, 2007 4:18 PM | Reply

No problem here on Typekey

Posted by: Dan (b393capt) at June 6, 2007 9:17 PM | Reply

I retried the Type key and again it when off in to never never land... then I clicked the Pnabo link and here I am posting. Wonder if it is FireFox?

Have you ever heard of Cmap Cards going funky and messing up the ram on a chart plotter?

My Standard CP170C is acting whacking and after several ram resets I am now told to do the resets without the cards in to see if they are interferring with the ram. I'll give that a try on the weekend. I thought the CMap cars were only data? Any thoughts?


Posted by: DefJef at June 7, 2007 6:29 AM | Reply

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