Panbo offshore, sporadic

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jun 21, 2007

Offshore gizmos

Actually I may be in Bermuda, and able to get online, for a few days. On the other hand, I might have some difficulties getting the gizmology through security! Then again, maybe I can figure out how to post via Iridium. Let’s just say…sporadic until about July 1. 

6/22: I made it! But, damn, WiFi is tight in Bermuda. $5/hr, $50/day, or $150/wk at the Dinghy Club here in Hamilton, and most everyone has their home and business AP's locked up solid. I know because I've been wandering the streets with that Nokia N800 in the picture. Finally found a good and open connection in a little mall. Am typing this using a ThinkOutside Bluetooth keyboard. Feeling pretty geek except I just tried going native with a marsala omlett with chili peppers in it. May have been a bad decision.



I see that you are carrying on of Fred's AIS. What's the antenna setup next to it? It may be exactly what I'm looking for.



Posted by: Lookout Sailors at June 21, 2007 11:16 AM | Reply

If you dock at the Dingy Club in St Georges they provide free wifi.... Although that was 2005 but owes tech. moves backwards?

Posted by: Starboardsteve at June 22, 2007 7:58 PM | Reply

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