Krill, flushing over IP

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Mar 13, 2007

Krill live demo FLIBS c Panbo lr

Well, I’ve updated the Ideal Marine Electronics pages with new entries, even pictures and diagrams. One professional installer has weighed in so far, and I thought it interesting that at the end of his high-end-gear-that-doesn’t-break list—mostly brands of IBM stature—is relative newbie Krill Systems. Which reminded me of this snapshot taken at the Ft. Lauderdale Show. Krill was demonstrating live how easily their software can monitor a boat via IP and Krill’s secure server. In fact, the volunteer yacht was in a marina somewhere in the Pacific Northwest and not a lot was going on, but apparently if you were a little bored in a show booth, you could keep track of when someone flushed a head, causing a noticeable rise in the black water tank (bigger image here)!


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