Garmin 5000 series for real, and here comes Faria

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Feb 14, 2007

Garmin 5012 crop

Now it’s real—or at least officially announced and supposedly shipping in June. Garmin went “no comment” when hints surfaced of the 5000 touch screen series six weeks ago, but here’s a picture (bigger here). The specs on the four 5000 models are very similar to the already much anticipated new 4000 series, except for the touch screen interface. (Which Garmin seems fully committed to; I only see a single power button that casing.) This developement would make my PMY prediction—that Garmin’s Miami booth will be very busy—even truer…if it weren’t for a monster storm messing up many travel plans.

Also here in Miami, Faria will introduce the “Maestro Touch Screen Navigation and Command  Center” (at Booth G65). I got a preview of these 8 and 12 inch units last month, and think Maestro is big news. The key is a Maptech’s really refined touch screen nav software combined with Faria’s skills at manufacturing and at interfacing with all sorts of engines and other gear. If you make it to Miami, check out Maestro (and, heck, the touch screen Northstar 8000i too, which I’m told is finally shipping in quantity). The year of touch screen?


Note that it also includes AIS - there are little green triangles on the screen. The one off Restoration Point is the Seattle-Bremerton ferry (of which my brother-in-law is the captain).

I agree with some previous comments that Garmin has removed many features from Mapsource that were useful to sailors. Versions after 6.5 lost the ability to export boat position and tracking to a PC. It works in the land versions, just not with Bluechart. Obviously Garmin sells a lot more systems to cars than they do to boats, so it the marine market has become less important to them. I hope this new system will bring back export functions for marine use.


Posted by: Gary at February 14, 2007 1:16 PM | Reply

Garmin Mapsource should not be mistaken for a navigation application. Its real intention is a Garmin GPS connectivity application for transferring maps/charts,routes,waypoints,tracks to/from the GPS.

Posted by: GPSNavX at February 14, 2007 1:28 PM | Reply

I was glad that my guess a few months ago was right. I hope it is a good unit. I was about to buy the 8000i Northstar and maybe now I will wait.

Posted by: docket at February 14, 2007 6:31 PM | Reply

Ben, it was a pretty interesting marketing program by Garmin since they announced it on the 13th, the new West Marine Catalogs were mailed on the 14th with full color pictures and I saw the 5212 in the new Sail magazine this weekend. Can't believe that their secret did not leak out.

Posted by: docket at February 19, 2007 12:58 PM | Reply

Im not sure where your sources are but attended mets with TMQ International and Furuno and the rumour mill was ripe with rumours of the 5XXX series touch screen.

And anyone with half a brain who used the 4000 series could see the software was designed for a touch screen.

Changing the gain on the radar you just wanted to touch and drag the % slider on screen, sack your sources !!!

Posted by: Murray Marine Limited at February 19, 2007 2:34 PM | Reply

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