Weekend weirdness, tis the season

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Dec 17, 2006

EchoPilot Maxtremetti 300 lr

Tis the season of wondrously weird marine electronics related holiday cards, and the indisputable winner thus far is EchoPilot’s elaborate goof on megayacht trends. The “New Super Maxtremetti 300 Baby Bling” (bigger here) is beautifully rendered on an 8x11” card with something like a 1,000 words of tongue-deep-in-cheek descriptive prose on the back. To wit:

“Baby Bling is the world’s most automated vessel. All her vital functions, hotel systems, cameras and instruments are digitally linked by satellite to the Internet. She can be monitored, manoeuvred and navigated from any password-enabled broadband-connected PC in the world, allowing her owners the combination of absolute control and zero effort to which they are accustomed.
  Automation and remote control also means
Baby Bling only requires three crew to operate her using specially modified iPods. The remaining 127 crew look after catering, hotel and wetbar systems.

Thanks to Mike and Susan at EchoPilot for a good giggle, and let’s hope they add it their Web site for the rest of the world to enjoy.

PS 12/18 And they did!


By definition a proper yacht only needs one paid crewmember.....the bartender.

Posted by: Pat_Harman at December 17, 2006 10:20 PM | Reply

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