Northstar/Navman AIS plotting, lookin good

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Dec 21, 2006

Northstar_Explorer_AIS cPanbo

My attempt at a fancy illustration may be sketchy, and the language unfamiliar, but the color coded AIS targets and the full-on data screen behind them suggests that Northstar’s new plotting implementation is exceptionally thorough. The photos above, bigger here, were taken at METS and show one of the ‘new’ Explorer series; its Navman not-quite-identical twin is also getting AIS abilities. Below are screen shots from the new manual for the Navman 8120/Northstar M120 (and the new M84). Notice that AIS text messages can be read, a full target list is available, and alarms can be set on both CPA and proximity. Plus you can choose to have each target project its track based on time (2 minutes to 2 hours), which might help with the Class B jumping bean issue.  I have the software upgrade for the 8120 that’s still here in the test lab and a loaner SeaCAS SafePassage 100 headed my way. I’m going to try this…after Christmas. I’m taking a long weekend off, and wishing all of you a wonderful holiday.

Northstar M120 AIS manual


This is a great enhancement to an already good plotter (I have two Navman 5600s). Unfortunately they did not take the time to improve the unit by recessing the MOB key. More than once, in rough seas, I have inadvetently pushed the MOB button with the palm of my hand, thereby disabling the current navigation route.

I hope they enhanced the brightness of the screen. The older units were hard to read in the sun.

Posted by: Norton Rider at December 22, 2006 11:38 AM | Reply

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