The State of Panbo, 10/1/2006

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Oct 1, 2006

State of Panbo

Dear readers, it’s time for another entry (also here and here) on the state of Panbo:

*  If you’ve been accessing this blog with an RSS reader, instead of going directly to the site, you may be annoyed because I recently changed the feed from full on to just summaries. I’m sorry about that, but it’s part of a transition meant to generate some income for improving the site, and also for the efforts of yours truly (direct contributions are also welcome).

*  In that regard, Panbo will soon have a major sponsor (whose identity will be no surprise), as well as some small banner space for “Friends of Panbo” sub sponsors. Please e-mail me if your organization is interested, and hasn’t already been in touch. No worries, though, Panbo will not get plastered with ads; and, hopefully, you’ll see improvements like full length reviews and forums in due time.

*  Finally, I’m just about to embark on a rigorous travel schedule—a press tour of Cape Town, South Africa, boatbuilders and boat show; the NMEA Conference in Naples, Florida; the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show (aka FLIBS); and METS in Amsterdam. Posting will necessarily be choppy, but, by golly, I should get a good look at what’s new in electronics, not mention some insight into how they’re used on the other side of the planet.

PS. Please note that using a feed reader will still keep you informed about the when and what of new entries; you’ll just have to click over to to read the whole thing.

PPS. I hauled my boats last week, and turned on the house heat today. Ralph, is now serviced and sitting on a refurbished trailer ready for another happy owner (major electronics shown below excepted).

 Ben on Ralph 2006 Panbo


I don't mind clicking over to your site to read the full entry at all, however.....

I'm using IE7's feed and if I click on Panbo's feed notification then click on the header to go to the full site, it takes FOREVER to load. Normally, I would suspect something like this to be a problem on my end, but I subscribe to other feeds and haven't noticed this delay.

So I just type the url into the address bar and come to your site that way when I get a feed notification.

Posted by: John at October 3, 2006 7:58 AM | Reply

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