AIS-equipped weather bouys, multitasking big time

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Aug 3, 2006

NOAA bouy vis SeaCasI’m still looking for more detail on this story—like how many buoys, and when?—but I understand that the U.S. Coast Guard and NOAA are working together to put AIS transponders on many of the offshore weather collecting buoys. Of course that means that the buoys will show up as targets. But also broadcast will be the sensor data—current, wind, visibility, etc—which will supposedly then get ashore (and into the satellite and other services) more frequently, plus be available direct to anyone with an AIS receiver and the right software. But that’s not the only purpose, by any means. The transponders are apparently set up to forward received target info via Iridium to the USCG Maritime Domain Awareness Program. Hence, “the buoys would form a ‘picket line’ around the continental and southern Alaska coast that would detect AIS-enabled ships as they pass in near real-time to enhance maritime security, as well as support safe marine transportation for commerce.”
     (Images graciously passed along by Fred Pot)
NOAA AIS bouy 2 via SeaCas

PS 8/8: I stand corrected: while the transponders described above are being “discussed”, what the USCG is actually working on right now is simply placing “AIS receive-only equipment on certain weather buoys in order to receive AIS signals from ships further offshore than can be done with shore-based receivers.”


The USCG is also working on AIS receivers located on space satellites, endeavoring to have nearly global coverage for "domain awareness," and "domestic security."

Posted by: Mark at August 10, 2006 2:35 PM | Reply

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