Gonna be a few changes around here!

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jul 24, 2006


It was a miserably rainy weekend here in Maine and much of the East Coast…lousy for boating, but good for testing weather systems and fooling around with blogs. It took Yme and I longer than anticipated to actually transfer all of Panbo’s accounts, but now it’s done, and I’m feeling a little frisky. Hence the slightly modified blog name, header graphic, and sidebars. Yes, that is the threatened contribute link over there. I do spend more time on Panbo than is economically justifiable, so here is a way appreciative readers can help…until the big sponsorship revenues kick in (smile).

At any rate, please join me in a big thank you to Yme Bosma who founded Panbo—including coming up with the mysterious, but memorable, name—and is now toiling away at the amazing Eccky and no doubt many other high tech endeavors. Here’s wishing him some dry air and fine boating.


Ben, good luck with making Panbo a success, I think it can be a great example of what potential blogs (and individuals like you) have these days!

And may be someday I will tell you where the Panbo name really comes from...;-)

Now I have to get back to my virtual babies...

Posted by: Yme Bosma at July 25, 2006 5:15 AM | Reply

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