AIS, this 'n' that #4

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Apr 25, 2006

Liverpool AIS Web crop

* Thanks to Panbo reader Derek for a link to AISLiverpool, the neatest AIS plotting Web site I’ve ever seen, especially since AISlive, and then Xanatos, became mostly subscription services. I’m not sure this will please the IMO, which is trying to limit AIS Web broadcasting, but it certainly is a great place to see how well the technology works. The example above, cropped from the full screen shot, illustrates how AIS is now being used to mark significant fixed objects, as well as ships. AISLiverpool is also endless fun for harbor gawkers, adding Web cams, photos, track histories and more to the AIS data. The site seems to be the work of an enthusiast, but I can’t find a link to the author (anyone?), who deserves applause I think.

* Check out Maritec, makers of just about everything AIS including test hardware and software. The news section suggests that the Class B AIS standard is finally done (maybe someone can confirm?).

* And here’s an interesting conversation about diddly but important NMEA 0183 details involved with getting an AIS receiver connected to a Raymarine C or E. Meindert Sprang, of ShipModul, provides expertise as usual.

* Finally, note how a Brookhouse Multiplexer made Jan-Enno a “happy man” by letting him hook a new SR 162 AIS receiver to both his Raymarine C80 (along with SeaTalk instruments) and his laptop. He explains how it works in the “user comments” section at the Brookhouse site.


Yes the Class B standard IS finished as IEC 62287, should be published "real soon now" though those in the industry already have acess to the FDIS (final pre-publication) version anyway. According to some retailers, Class B units should be available in July 2006.

Posted by: del (uk) at April 26, 2006 4:53 PM | Reply

I do not know if everibody already had seen this site: there is a beautifull demo of a fantastic AIS software AIS2Ozi for PPC:


Posted by: Pascal at April 27, 2006 3:15 AM | Reply

Here is a MacENC user in the UK using a NASA AIS receiver..


Posted by: MacENC at May 9, 2006 7:09 PM | Reply

Article on AIS, April 25, 2006 has reference �* Check out Maritec, makers of just about everything AIS including test hardware and software. The news section suggests that the Class B AIS standard is finally done (maybe someone can confirm?).�

The international standard IEC62287-1 (Class B/CS) can now be purchased from IEC as stated by Maritec (hyperlink provided by Maritec to navigate to IEC online web store: Publication date 2006-03-20.

Check Their AIS receiver seems to be the cheapest on the market @ USD99.00

Peter J MacMillan

Posted by: P J MacMillan at May 18, 2006 7:39 AM | Reply

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