X-keys Stick, an interesting PC/Mac nav accessory

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Mar 9, 2006

 Xkey CE

As noted yesterday, the owner/designer of the dual PC helm setup has found a nifty HID (Human Interface Device) that I’d never seen before (bigger here, and set up for Coastal Explorer). The X-keys Stick USB includes software (Mac version too) that lets you define macros and print out key labels, even white on black ones to best utilize the Stick’s backlighting. It is not waterproof, of course, but it sure looks like it would be useful in a pilot house when the going gets jiggy, or you just have other things to do with your hands. The 16 key version shown cost $80, and the company has all sorts of other programmable key boards.


That is interesting and worthwile. If these navigation programs didn't have so many bells and whistles in them you could actually figure them out.

Posted by: Anonymous at March 14, 2006 6:20 PM | Reply

I have a waterproof one as part of a Sodena Turbowin plotter I got at www.ormtec.com.
It has good icons on it , backlit for night use, and makes life a dream.
It helps that the plotter doesn't need any windows knowledge.

Posted by: Anonymous at March 23, 2006 10:55 AM | Reply

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