More METs, LED's everywhere

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Dec 6, 2005

Lopolight w windex Well, I could not help but notice that everybody seems to have a secret desire to produce LED lighting products. There must have been at least a dozen or more companies with LED products. I think these products are great and are certainly the future of marine lighting (and perhaps someday your home as well). Look for a lot of new products this boat show season. Noteworthy units were displayed by Hella Marine and LopoLight, which has navigation lights for vessels as large as 50 Meters. —  Jeff Hummel

It’s noteworthy that LopoLight’s latest use carbon fibre to further reduce weight, and have also somehow reduced power consumption. But the company still hasn’t fixed its web site so that it works properly in Firefox, as noted here last June.


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