The 1,000 day electronics test, a guest blog

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Oct 25, 2005


My good buddy Ben “El Geekalones” Ellison has graciously given me some space here in his MEB (Most Excellent Blog) so that I can alert you all to the doings of another good buddy of mine, Reid Stowe. Reid is setting forth next month (ETD is approximately Thanksgiving) on a record-breaking 1,000-day voyage aboard his home-built 70-foot gaff-rigged schooner Anne. He intends to circumnavigate the globe multiple times non-stop in the Southern Ocean, looping up into warmer climes when conditions and his mood warrant, and will also sail north to the equator and back each time he hits the South Atlantic so as to get credit for an official circuit of the globe.  Reid has been planning this voyage for many years, and in 1999 conducted a 200-day non-stop passage as a test flight for this one.  Now his boat is prepped and he is finally ready to go.

But he could use some help in the electronics department!  To enhance the significance of what he’s doing, Reid is hoping to pull together a communications/transponder system that will permit him to document his voyage to the world as it takes place---both so folks can follow him as he goes along and to verify his accomplishment.

Anyone interested in lending some equipment, expertise, or service time to this project should check out Reid’s site (or call him directly at 212-414-4891).  Reid will make sure you get credit as a sponsor if you like and will gladly participate in any reasonable marketing scheme you care to build around your involvement.  A thousand days at sea, after all, is the ultimate test for any product/service.  Or you can get involved just because you think it’s a cool project!!! — Charlie Doane, Editor-at-large, SAIL Magazine

PS. I too am a fan of Stowe’s 1,000 day sail, which I consider performance art of the interesting kind. And, by the way, Panbo welcomes guest blogs…of the interesting kind. — Ben


What is the exact definition of a global circumnavigation?

Posted by: Walter Guinon at October 26, 2005 11:48 PM | Reply

Aw, Walter, I think you caught Charlie abusing the language; he'll be mortified (I can personally attest to what a careful and excellent line editor he is).

Posted by: Ben at October 27, 2005 11:11 PM | Reply

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